Consulting & ADVISORY

People decisions are the most important in any company. Because the outcomes of those decisions— who leads, who joins the team, and the culture that's established— make or break a business.

Assessment & Profiling

Psychological profiling helps us make better people decisions by surfacing deep insights into a person’s psychological makeup.

By understanding attributes such as values, personality, leadership style, working preferences, decision-making approach, and how a person is likely to show up under pressure we can do a better job of hiring, developing, and retaining people.

For you if

You’re making a key hire and need to get it right
You’re thinking of promoting someone and need to see if they’re up to the challenge
A recent candidate was great on paper, but they’re not performing as expected
You’re a leader who wants to better understand your strengths and blind spots

Performance coaching

There’s a reason why every elite sports team invests so heavily in coaching: It’s one of the most powerful development tools available.

Whether you’re looking to enhance leadership skills, build resilience, improve reputation, or overcome specific obstacles, professional coaching can help.

For you if

You want to level up your leadership performance
You’re looking for an impartial sounding board and someone who’ll hold you to account
You’re in a new role (or preparing for one) and want to ensure your success
You want to unlock your potential and find greater meaning in what you do

Interview design & training

Interviews can be a powerful selection tool, but they are often poorly designed and improperly executed. This not only wastes time but also results in costly hiring mistakes.

I can design bespoke interview questions and scoring rubrics  to surface rich insights into candidates and support a fairer and more effective selection process. I also offer training on best-in-class interview techniques that will enhance candidate experience and support better hiring decisions.

For you if

You want to give your team the knowledge, tools and confidence they need to conduct effective interviews and hire the best people
You want to improve fairness, consistency, and quality of interviews
You want to improve candidate experience during the recruitment process

Team coaching

Diving much deeper than traditional team-building exercises, this collaborative process is focused on improving understanding, communication and problem-solving among team members.

This is how we transform a team’s cohesiveness and performance.

For you if

You want to solve a challenge or conflict within in a team once and for all
You want to facilitate high performance within a team that’s critical to your business success
Your team is new and you need to learn what values they share, what challenges they may face and how they can succeed together

Culture & values

A strong culture is key to high performance but what makes the “right” culture is different in every business.

I work directly with founders and leaders to craft cultures backed by intention and defined by clear values and behavioural principles that have the business’s mission and objectives at heart.

For you if

You’re a startup and want to codify and safe-guard your culture
You’re a scale-up ready to evolve your culture and take it—and your business—to the next level
You've already got some values but aren't sure if they're the right ones
You've got a great set of values and need help embedding them throughout your company

Employee experience

You wouldn’t invest in a new marketing campaign without conducting research first—and the same is true of people initiatives. Solid data helps guide decision making and ensure a favourable ROI.

Employee surveys and culture audits help you get to the heart of the current employee experience while identifying key opportunities to improve engagement, turnover, satisfaction, wellbeing, and more.

For you if

You know you need to do something to improve your people experience, but aren’t sure where to begin
You want to get a sense of where you’re doing well and where your biggest opportunities for improvement lie when it comes to employee experience
You need help identifying people projects or initiatives that will deliver the greatest ROI in your company


I’m proud to have worked with some of the most disruptive startups in the psychology, behaviour science, and HR spaces to deliver game-changing products.

If you’re building something and want to understand how to embed the latest scientific thinking I may be able to help.

How it works

I’ve partnered with companies at various stages of the product lifecycle. From strategic advice to hands-on support, I can work directly with your team to plug any skills and knowledge gaps and help you create an impactful product backed by cutting-edge psychological research and thinking.

Previous projects

Helping a digital coaching company scale their insights and demonstrate ROI to clients
Supporting a cloud-based psychometric platform expand into employee surveys and team development
Designing a robust selection process for a disruptive accelerator to increase diversity in technology

Events & Speaking

Interesting, evidence-based talks and workshops to help people learn about workplace behaviour from a psychological perspective. Always engaging. Always focused on actionable outcomes and take-aways.

Signature talks

Personality and Leadership: Leveraging Strengths

Ignite leadership excellence within your company with this workshop on personality and leadership. Identify natural leadership tendencies, learn how to lean into strengths, and gain insights into adapting approaches for more effective leadership.

Preventing Toxic Cultures: Addressing Dark Traits in the Workplace

Foster a culture of positivity and productivity with this actionable talk on preventing toxic work environments. Equip your organisation with tools to identify and counteract dark personality traits that can disrupt both individual and team performance and wellbeing.

Managing Workplace Stress and Burnout: Strategies for Well-being

Elevate your organisation's well-being with this workshop on stress management and burnout prevention. Discover powerful techniques to establish healthy boundaries, cultivate work-life balance, and foster a culture of support. Equip your team with tools for sustained well-being and peak performance.

Uncovering Performance Saboteurs: Identifying Hidden Barriers to Success

Fuel your team's growth with this workshop on identifying performance barriers. Uncover factors that hinder individual and team performance, such as procrastination and self-doubt. Learn strategies to overcome these barriers and achieve goals.

Anatomy of a High-Performing Team: Key Elements for Success

Unleash the full potential of your teams as we dive into the dynamics of high-performance. Learn about effective leadership styles, team roles, and strategies for achieving exceptional performance together.

The psychology of startups

Chart a course for success with this transformative talk on startup psychology. Explore the psychological journey of startups, from traits of successful founders to the art of decision-making. Learn to cope with challenges, harness failure, and build resilient cultures.

As a Chartered Occupational Psychologist, my knowledge and experience is not limited to the areas outlined above.

I’ve worked on initiatives across the entire employee lifecycle, so if you need help with something not listed here, please get in touch—and if I can’t help you, I’ll probably know someone who can!