isn't working

Less than 10% of the UK workforce are engaged

Only 18% leaders demonstrate high proficiency

Stress among workers is at an all-time high

Gallup (2018-22)

We can
do better.

People are the most consequential force in any business. Ultimately, it’s their actions and decisions that determine whether a company succeeds or fails.

As an Organisational Psychologist, I apply the science of the human mind and behaviour at work to help my clients claim a competitive edge through their people.

Abi is highly experienced with Occupational Psychology subject matter and has a particularly friendly consulting style which leaves you feeling like you’ve been enriched and guided by a good friend. She has been a trusted external advisor for over 3 years and is compassionate towards internal challenges. I look forward to continuing to work with Abi in the future.

Emma Stirling, Head of Psychology

Trusted by

Trusted by

Trusted by

Space Ape Games
Very Group
Inspiring Insights

strong leaders. engaged people.
connected teams.

Most companies want these things, yet few achieve this—because it’s hard

People are complex, their needs are diverse, and behaviour is difficult to predict. There are no silver bullets. One-size solutions don't work because context matters. Different businesses have different goals, different starting points, different people, and different challenges.

It’s why corporate heavyweights often disappoint in scrappy start-ups and top performers can crumble when they’re promoted to management. It’s why each and every one of us has the potential to derail in the wrong environment.

What i do

Services designed
to deliver.

My consulting services are focused on three of the most important things in any business: Your people. Your teams. Your culture.

With tailored solutions that optimise scientific thinking for your unique context, it's all about maximising impact to help people thrive and businesses succeed.

I also offer subject matter expertise and advice to teams looking to embed cutting-edge psychological and behavioural science into their product.



Assessment and profiling to help you hire, promote, and invest in the right people – and understand how to get the best out of them
Coaching to help people take their leadership and performance to the next level through targeted, tailored 1:1 support

Poor leadership costs businesses $1.5 trillion every year.

World Economic Forum (2018)


Team assessment to identify strengths, weaknesses and critical gaps
Workshops to surface and resolve challenges, improve alignment, build trust – and enable high performance

Connected teams demonstrate a 21% increase in profitability.

GALLUP (2020)


Independent review to understand overall culture health and identify what's enabling and inhibiting sustainable high-performance
A tried-and-tested system to help evolve your culture and unlock higher levels of wellbeing, engagement and performance

< 10% of the U.K. workforce are engaged.

GALLUP (2022)

Product SME

Are you building a product in the psychology, behaviour science, or HR space?

Using the latest scientific thinking, I’ve helped some of the UK’s most disruptive startups deliver game-changing products by offering subject matter expertise and support.

Advising at any stage of the project lifecycle, I’ll help you achieve a product that’s best-in-class.

Events & Speaking

From team-based workshops to company-wide talks, I lead events offering critical insight into workplace psychology and how it can help us build the better businesses of tomorrow. 

I can also create tailored talks or workshops for your organisation that are inspiring, informative and intended to drive action.